Day Two: Santa Cruz to King City – AIDS/LifeCycle

Day 2: AIDS/LifeCycle 2013It’s Monday, June 3rd, Day Two of AIDS/LifeCycle (ALC) 2013.

Today, we’ll ride 109.2 miles from Santa Cruz to King City. We start out at Harvey West Park and wrap up the day at San Lorenzo County Park in King City, California.

  • Miles ridden: 191.7
  • Miles to go: 350.9

AIDS/LifeCycle (ALC) 2013 – the experience & a recap of the ride (June 26, 2013)

Day One: San Francisco to Santa Cruz – AIDS/LifeCycle

Day 1: AIDS/LifeCycle 2013It’s Sunday, June 2nd, Day One of AIDS/LifeCycle (ALC) 2013.

Today, we’ll ride 82.5 miles from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. We start out at Cow Palace and wrap up the day at Harvey West Park in Santa Cruz, California.

  • Miles ridden: 82.5 miles
  • Miles to go: 460.1 miles

AIDS/LifeCycle (ALC) 2013 – the experience & a recap of the ride (June 26, 2013)

Day Zero: Orientation at AIDS/LifeCycle

Day Zero: AIDS/LIfeCycle Route Map from SF to LAIt’s Saturday, June 1st, Day Zero of AIDS/LifeCycle (ALC) 2013.

Today, we’ll shuttle down to Cow Palace to attend orientation and learn about bike safety. We depart on bicycle, from Cow Palace tomorrow at 5:30am. We’ll ride from San Francisco to Santa Cruz California, approximately 82.5 miles, if we don’t get lost. 😉